Wednesday, June 10, 2009

GOP Rep. Kirk Warns: China's Investing Away From Dollar... Buying Enough Gold to Fill Ft. Knox Twice (Video)

GOP Rep. Kirk Warns: China's Investing Away From Dollar... Buying Enough Gold to Fill Ft. Knox Twice (Video)

IPosted by Gateway Pundit at 6/09/2009 09:17:00 PM

Reprinted in full

Representative Mark Kirk (R-IL) had this to say tonight On the Record with Greta Van Susteren:

"China has lent about $300 billion to the US for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They're very worried about that; another $700 billion in treasury bills.
And. they're particularly worried about the feds new policy of buying treasury debt. Cause they're worried that one part of the federal government is buying another part of the federal government. Sounds like printing money...
They already are beginning to hedge. I think they expect quite a bit of inflation in the United States next year, so they made a major investment. They funded a second strategic petroleum reserve and they plan to buy $80 billion worth of gold. That's two Fort Knox's. Both of those investments only make sense if you expect significant dollar inflation."
Thanks Barack!
Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) told Greta Van Susteren that China is investing away from the dollar. Kirk said that China has invested in oil reserves this year and is buying enough gold to fill up Fort Knox twice!
You must see this interview.It is absolutely frightening:

1 comment:

Hal said...

Look out. The dollar is going to plummet and gold is going to run.

I saw too that a leading Chinese Bank Exec said that he wanted the US Fed to issue bonds in Yaun instead of the dollar.