International Forecaster Weekly
We Watch Now As Funds Get Vaporized
Latest Issue: February 25th, 2009Posted: February 25 2009
:real inflation has been raging, purchasing power diminishing, pension plan funds being systematically starved, expect a dollar dump by foreign holders, new tax laws and new strings attached, Still not sure why we have to bail out fraudster bankers, bailouts will only help banks to continue to fleece the public. have lost a minimum of two thirds of your 1997 purchasing power... In other words, that $10,000 you invested in 1997 will today only buy what $3,000 would have bought in 1997.
Effectively, anyone playing the general stock markets has been wiped out by this combination of lost capital gains and reduced purchasing power.
Pension plans, often heavily invested in stocks and real estate, asset classes which have seen tens of trillions of dollars disappear in a matter of months, are now so far behind in funding... , and these losses do not even take into account loss of purchasing power due to inflation, which is understated officially to screw retirees out of their social security benefits... Wait until the interest rates skyrocket as hyperinflation takes hold and risk reaches new heights. This will collapse the treasury market, and the value of all your pension plan assets, which the government will have forced you to invest in treasuries, will go down in flames with it.
Also, many pension-sponsoring companies are going to go under ... When these victims of the financial holocaust go under, the pension funds they sponsor will go under with them and there will be precious little in the way of bailouts to make up for these losses. ..
Note that all the new tax laws concerning pensions encourage you to put more money in, and to keep it there longer. The scum in our government and on Wall Street want to encourage you to place your money into accounts to which they have strings attached with onerous tax law penalties. They want to make sure you put as much of your hard-earned savings in such accounts as possible, and to keep it there as long as possible, so they have sufficient time and opportunity to steal it from you via inflation, dollar devaluation, insider trading, investment fraud, depreciation of asset values through deflation, direct taxation, foreclosure sales, bankruptcy auctions and outright confiscation.
There is no end in sight for the real estate market, which will not bottom for several years... We keep hearing Barack "Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned" Obama and Sheila "We Just Can't Let This Happen" Bair, the head of the FDIC, tell us that we have to bail out bankster gangsters and borrower felons, and that we just can't allow these banksters and borrowers to go under, nor can we allow the overall financial situation to deteriorate further... The situation is going to deteriorate further no matter what they do, and they are in fact exacerbating the ongoing debacles by creating money out of nothing and then throwing it at people and institutions that are already dead, financially speaking...These institutions have self-destructed on orders from the Puppet Masters to collapse the world financial system to make way for a new one-world system in place of the nation-state system.
People who acted wisely and stayed on the sidelines while everyone else want on a felonious spending and lending binge in the real estate markets, .. still cannot get into the real estate market because the prices are being kept artificially high by all the bailouts. They watch in silent anger and consternation as those who committed felonies by taking out "liar loans" get their mortgage principal reduced and payments lowered to avoid generating foreclosures which would take real estate prices down to a more realistic level that honest, qualified buyers could afford. They watch in stupefied horror and frustration as those banks which engaged in derivative and loan fraud and over-leveraged speculation get hundreds of billions of taxpayer largesse doled out to them so they can continue to defraud the public and make nonsensical loans to keep the daisy chain of fraud going while they collect their commissions and spreads on new issuance of toxic waste using money that has been borrowed interest-free, while charging usurious rates, relative to their borrowing costs, to anyone else who needs to borrow money.
These bankster gangsters then have the gall to say they are not accountable to taxpayers as to how the money is used,... Obama's bogus promises that these horrendous and fiendish practices will not be allowed to occur with respect to future bailout funds is just window-dressing and inane platitudes for the ignorant masses. Business will go on as usual in Washington and on Wall Street -- as corrupt as ever.
Right has become wrong, and wrong has become right, just as the Bible warned. Surely, we are in the End Times.
Read the entire sobering article: We Watch Now As Funds Get Vaporized
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