Monday, April 27, 2009

The Audacity of Mockery

100 days in office, coronated MessiahArms outstretched, he wears crown of thorns on his brow
On his 100th day in office, President Obama will be "crowned" in messianic imagery at New York City's Union Square.

Artist Michael D'Antuono's painting "The Truth" – featuring Obama with his arms outstretched and wearing a crown of thorns upon his head – will be unveiled on April 29 at the Square's South Plaza.

According to a statement released about the portrait, "The 30" x 54" acrylic painting on canvas depicts President Obama appearing much like Jesus Christ on the Cross: atop his head, a crown of thorns; behind him, the dark veil being lifted (or lowered) on the Presidential Seal. But is he revealing or concealing, and is he being crucified or glorified?"

Even the title of the piece, "The Truth," suggests a play on biblical themes, as Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father...

Read all: Arms outstretched, he wears crown of thorns on his brow
Posted: April 25, 20097:13 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn© 2009 WorldNetDaily
"The Truth" by Michael D'Antuono

As you can see from the artwork it is Obama as the messiah, wearing his crown of thorns, parting the veil if the "temple" with and odd pleased expression on his face for someone mimicking what Jesus the Christ actually endured for all mankind in being beaten and bruised for our healing, and dying and laying down His life, and being empowered to take His life up again so that all believers would live with Him too...

Look at the words the artwork is displaying. Literally it is:
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to literally meanThe god of the star we see of the performing the fragmentation of the nation...

What I immediately beheld was the sacred geometry of Obama's backers in the infamous pentagram symbol which is part of the one dimensional power symbols these people put up of the Three Dimensional Tree of Life or Metatron's Cube handed down by one of the principality demons.

Excerpts from Lame Cherry's Possum Obama

Read also: Prophecy Obama: Prophecies of Barack Obama?

And : Obama’s Foreign Policy Disasters

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