Tuesday, October 7, 2008


By Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.
October 4, 2008NewsWithViews.com

The past couple of weeks we have watched the economy of the nation unravel in a series of consistent and unrelenting economic catastrophes of unprecedented gravity...

The whole of this nation lives hand to mouth, take away the money that flows through our collective hands from Peter to Paul and the system will default and collapse. In point of fact that is exactly what is going to happen...

As I write this message the House has caved in to the enormous pressures of the money-grubbers, the lap dogs of the fourth estate, and the venal politicians who have sold themselves into slavery to the finance felons to pass the monumental and rationally indiscernible pork laden bailout of the mega bucks barons of Wall Street...

There will be no recovery of the economy through natural selection and healing market adjustments, which are entirely necessary as painful as they might be.

The passing of this bill will create another small credit bubble and when that bubble collapses, as it inevitably will, it will virtually assure a complete economic meltdown, the political manipulators of the administration and the congress, who have thrown the baby out with the bathwater, have now set it in stone.

Crank up the printing machines boys we’re going to need a lot of those bogus bucks...

It is an undeniable fact that this nation is in the hands of delusional secularists with no God-given discernment. Such are leading a pseudo Christian nation that is in total rebellion against the Eternal God and in absolute defiance of His Word. They mock Him and deny His Son, the purchaser of our salvation, and then have the audacity to invoke His blessings upon this satanic nation. Their words fall to the ground dead upon utterance. It is most certain that our sovereign God does not hear or countenance their empty pleadings as their very works identify them as being in service to the evil one.

The United States, now imminently on the cusp of total disintegration as a world power, is entering into the final throes of expiration and classically treading the dark descent to the dank den of the tombs of failed nations, where it will lie under the debris of a once great commonwealth as its marker. There will be no lament; there will be no dirge, there will be no requiem, only a stinking, smoldering stench will testify to its former existence and its pitiful end.

Read entire item: There will be no recovery of the economy

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