Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sarkozy: ‘Irish will vote again, there will be no EU Treaty Mk III'

Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, held a strictly off-the-record lunch briefing for international Brussels-based correspondents on Tuesday at the Elysée...
The French strategy during their six month EU Presidency, which began on July 1, is to isolate Ireland after last month's referendum rejection of the Lisbon European Union Treaty...
"There will be no Treaty Part III," he said.
The Irish do not count...
The Irish either will be asked to vote again, in a rerun of Ireland's second referendum on the Nice Treaty in 2002 - or Ireland's people will be bypassed...
Any means necessary to get an Irish Yes, is what the French President is getting at here. There is no other answer.
The gloves are off.
Read full article: Sarkozy: ‘Irish will vote again, there will be no EU Treaty Mk III'

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