By Wyatt Ciesielka
Thursday, April 15, 2010"
As the Vatican reels from scandal, even some Catholic priests are now demanding the Pope’s resignation (, “W. Mass. priest calls for pope to resign,” April 12, 2010). When scandal or political turmoil reaches a boiling point, what should a church … or a nation do?
Beyond the Roman Catholic sex-abuse scandal, the news is full of additional coups and political intrigue. State and religious governments around the world are in turmoil.
Thailand teeters on the brink of civil war (, April 12, 2010). The government of Kyrgyzstan fell just last week, and deposed President Kurmanbek Bakijev is threatening that “any attempt to kill him [by the new, opposition government] would ‘drown Kyrgyzstan in blood’” (Reuters, April 11, 2010).
In Nigeria mass ethnic killings have swept the northern part of the country, prompting Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to suggest breaking up the nation in an attempt to quell the bloodletting (, April 7, 2010). And, of course, the Roman Catholic Church is vociferously denying rumors of Vatican “plots” against the Pope, and that “the pope is alone and that the Vatican is a nest of vipers” (Reuters, April 12, 2010), all while doctrinally disaffected Anglicans and Episcopalians contemplate leaving their fellowships to possibly join the Catholics!
What a mess! But this is nothing new. Humanity has continuously suffered from scandal and wrong government throughout the millennia. When will nations and churches learn the blessings of proper godly government?
Proper, godly government brings peace. Proper godly government has always called for leaders to be appointed by God’s true servants and under His direct guidance (Exodus 18:21- 22, Luke 6:12-13, Titus 1:5). Christ’s opinion on proper government has always been, is now, and always will be the same (Hebrews 13:8). In the coming Kingdom of God, it will be no different.
In the coming Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ will not permit oppression, rebellion or political coups. Likewise, He will not seek a majority opinion in our churches or our nations to elect leaders. He will not ask the “Elector Cardinals” to cast their secret ballots for the next Pope, as they recite the required chant: “I call as my witness Christ the Lord who will be my judge, that my vote is given to the one who before God I think should be elected.” Christ does not care who “we think” should be elected. Instead, He will appoint who He knows is qualified, and those righteous rulers will not be removed!
Christ will appoint ancient King David as king over all Israel (Ezekiel 37:24, Hosea 3:5). The twelve Apostles will be appointed kings (Matthew 19:28). Other righteous patriarchs such as Daniel, Noah and Job (Ezekiel 14:14, 20) will also have positions of great responsibility. And, the Saints who down through the ages have been obedient and faithful will also be appointed as kings and priests within His government. Together, Christ and His Saints will then rule the earth in love, and according to godly law (Isaiah 65:25, John 5:22-29, Revelation 5:9-10; 20:6).
While discussing the Vatican’s scandals may be scintillating, the more important point is that man’s approach to government continues to fail!
What should the Pope or the nations do? The answer is the same thing that all of us should do; each of us should prayerfully strive to “live by every word of God” (Luke 4:4), asking God to guide our lives in every way. If we humbly do this, then, at His return, we will be “found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless” (2 Peter 3:14).
For some, this may require painful repentance of wrong ideas. But, without true repentance, we will not inherit eternal life (Luke 13:3, Acts 3:19).
Please read “God’s Kingdom is a Real Government by Dr. Roderick C. Meredith for more insight into the glorious and perfect government that will soon be established at Christ’s return."
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