By Monty Pelerin
American Thinker
"By the end of March, Barack Obama's administration will face its destiny, its Brutus a pawn of the fates."...
"Mr. Bernanke, quite unintentionally and through no fault of his own, will be Obama's Brutus, regardless of his decision. To understand why"...
"Bernanke has two options, neither of them good. He can do what he promised and stop QE. Or he can renege on his promise. Either alternative has radically negative consequences for the country, Bernanke's role in history, and Obama's presidency"...
"Under either scenario, the Obama presidency is destroyed. Obama probably prefers the second option, because it might extend the period before sovereign bankruptcy. However, it might not extend it very much. Foreign bankers have chastised our behavior regularly. If the Fed is perceived as 'The Great Enabler' rather than as protector of the currency, a run on the dollar and the dumping of Treasuries could result."...
"Obama loses either way. He inherited a difficult situation, but then, via foolish policies, he turned it into a terminal one. At this point, Jimmy Carter may be the happiest person in the country. His lead position in the Pantheon of Shame is in jeopardy thanks to Obama.
For the country, times equivalent to the Great Depression are likely ahead. My guess is that Bernanke chooses (or is forced into) continuing QE. Courage is a rare and dangerous commodity in Washington. Hard decisions occur only in crisis."...
"When the country is perceived and treated by the world community as the wastrel it has become, then remedial action will take place. Hopefully, something is still salvageable."
Read the entire post: Obama's Ides-of-March Moment is Near:
For biblical insight, read: The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy
Peter Waldo did keep the Sabbath and is in the CCOG list of Apostolic
Statue purported to be Peter Waldo (photo by Alexander Hoernigk) COGwriter
Did any of the Waldensians keep the seventh-day Sabbath? Did all of them?
7 hours ago