EXTRA: Israel, Germany agree to step up military cooperation EARTHtimes.org Mon, 17 Mar 2008 4:37 AM PDTJerusalem -
Jerusalem -
Israel and Germany agreed Monday to intensify their military cooperation, partly by investing in technological projects of mutual interest, a joint statement said. This means, for example,
developing protection for both the German and Israeli armed forces against such threats as ballistic missiles, a member of the German delegation to Israel said.
The two countries will also exchange more military personnel, expanding an exchange programme launched in 1998 to include officers and cadets from their navies and air forces.
The memorandum of understanding signed by Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak and his German counterpart, Franz Josef Jung, and detailing
the stepped up military cooperation is as part of a broader bilateral agreement between the two countries.
Germany may be the key nation to break the United Nations gridlock over how to deal with Iran (Jerusalem Post, March 16, 2008). Daniel 9:27 talks about a “prince” confirming a covenant with many—a covenant that will lead to the establishing of sacrifices on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. A King of the North will defile the “sanctuary fortress” and remove the daily sacrifices, eventually magnifying himself above the gods (Daniel 11:29-37). This King of the North will emerge from a powerful political-religious union involving European nations. It is important to watch the continuing involvement of European nations and the Vatican in Israel. from: The World Ahead Update (LCG) 20 March 2008